It appears from the scanty documentation on the Arduino Yun that micro SD cards and usb pen (flash) drives can be used for external storage. However, I cannot use a usb pen drive for connection with the YunSever or YunClient libraries. Question: do only the mico SD cards work with these libraries? Thank you for any help.
The micro SD cards and usb pen (flash) drives are equally working fine at Yun. (personal experiences)
I have seen a variety of problems, when using both MSDOS and ext4 formatted usb sticks.
The auto-mount is inconsistent, and the opkg install does not seen to always
load data files correctly (when using --dest usb).
More important, fdisk, df, and mount often fail to recognize the usb device's file system.
All of the above is when I allow the auto-mount to use its defaults.
Adding the following to /etc/config/fstab does not seem to help very much:
config mount
option target '/mnt/sda1'
option device '/dev/sda1'
option fstype 'auto'
option options 'rw,sync'
option enabled '1'
option enabled_fsck '0'
It appears from the scanty documentation on the Arduino Yun that micro SD cards and usb pen (flash) drives can be used for external storage. However, I cannot use a usb pen drive for connection with the YunSever or YunClient libraries. Question: do only the mico SD cards work with these libraries? Thank you for any help.
You are correct about the documentation. However, this an open source documentation. This means that the community is in charge of filling in the missing pieces. This is a "social contract".
The piece that you are missing has been answered by SonnyYu. That is, the Linux side of the Yun is OpenWrt. Other missing pieces are being filled-in by volunteers. This means when you ask a question, you'll likely get an answer within 24 hours.
Best of Luck
The micro SD cards and usb pen (flash) drives are equally working fine at Yun. (personal experiences)
OK but I notice we have a lot of doc on "How to use and SD Card" but only a fiew and incomplete about USB Storage.
I'm trying to:
- Use a USB storage to instal PHP, MySQL and other package on it rather than to the internal memory
- Use the USB storage to put the .php file and the MySQL data
It's OK on SD card but when I start to put a lot (really a lot but I need that!) files on the SD, files are "blended" (wrong name, wrong size..). And also, for pratical reason, I would have to send by post (snail) the storage device and we don't want to use SD.
So I wanted to do the same on USB but without any success. One point eg is the "[ 31.340000] hub 1-1:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" message when using dmesg. If, after plugging a SD Card, the system "see it", i'm not able to let it "see" the USB...
Perhaps a small "tuto" would be nice because Google give no good answer
Expand Yun the Storage with USB flash or USB hard driver ( size up to 4 TB)
Expand Yun the Storage with USB flash or USB hard driver ( size up to 4 TB)
Great. Thanks.
A "question": I notice a lot of problems with SD Card. In my case after trying many SD Cards, I was happy to find one on which I was able to use the sketch to format it. Until, after puting a lot of file ont the SD I discover the system was blending the name... (I need to have a web site on the Yun, with a LOT of folders and a LOT of files).
What I notice is that all problems seems to came from the FAT32 part of the card and never from the ext4.
Even if using a FAT32 space for data seems to be easier as you can read the card directly on your machine, installing openssh-sftp-server on the Yun is easy and then allow a FTP access. In this case, maybe it would be better to have only ext4 partitions on the card.
Opinion about that?
Best regards
Here is some filename length limit in popular file systems
ext2 255 bytes
ext3 255 bytes
ext4 255 bytes
FAT32 8.3
NTFS 255 characters
don't use FAT32 !
For anybody still referring to this, this may be useful:
scroll down to "Setting up the USB"
keep an sd card on "sda" and a usb stick on "sdb".