Having issues trying to build any sketch. It appears the include/bits/ folder is empty?
I have retried downloading and reinstalling SAMD on two different Windows computers.
Build options changed, rebuilding all
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb -c -g -Os -w -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -nostdlib --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -MMD -DF_CPU=48000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO -DARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD -D__SAMD21G18A__ -DUSB_VID=0x2341 -DUSB_PID=0x804d -DUSBCON -DUSB_MANUFACTURER="Arduino LLC" -DUSB_PRODUCT="Arduino Zero" -IC:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\tools\CMSIS\4.0.0-atmel/CMSIS/Include/ -IC:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\tools\CMSIS\4.0.0-atmel/Device/ATMEL/ -IC:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.0\cores\arduino -IC:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.0\variants\arduino_zero C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\build2661555047090399063.tmp\sketch_jun17a.cpp -o C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\build2661555047090399063.tmp\sketch_jun17a.cpp.o
In file included from C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.0\cores\arduino/Uart.h:25:0,
from C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.0\variants\arduino_zero/variant.h:40,
from C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.0\cores\arduino/delay.h:27,
from C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.6.0\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:75,
from sketch_jun17a.ino:1:
c:\documents and settings\user\my documents\my stuff\arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1\arm-none-eabi\include\c++\4.8.3\cstddef:41:28: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory
#include <bits/c++config.h>
compilation terminated.
Error compiling.
This folder is empty:
C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Stuff\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\portable\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1\arm-none-eabi\include\bits
The Arduino Zero (and clones) probably competes very well for energy consumption. That's why I chose it, good flash and ram sizes and a chip with sophisticated clock and power management. I'm working on a project where I've gotten it down to 0.6mA in sleep mode with RTC, a timer, and EIC (pin interrupts).
How do I select the Zero in Atmel Studio 7? I can import an Arduino Sketch that runs on a Zero, but I don't see any way to select it from the list of processors.
You don't specifically select Zero. You should install the board (Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+)) in the Arduino IDE using the board manager first.
Atmel Studio 7 should prompt you (at the time of creating a project) for the hardware. You should select ATSAMD21G18A.
Later when you attempt to run/debug your project it will prompt you for the debugger/programmer tool to use. There is a dropdown and one item in there - EDGB-00000000AZE000001519 and the Interface dropdown should have the option to pick SWD (single wire debug).
You could also set up the later by right clicking on the Project node in Solution Explorer and when, in the editor windows that opens, you'll see tabs running along the left have side (not top) of that window. Choose the "Tools" tab and you'll see options to select the debugger/programmer and the Interface.