Hi guys,
I bought an ATSAMD21G18A chip and soldered it in a breadboard to make my Arduino Zero standalone. Then I made the circuit and burned the arduino zero bootloader using ATMEL-ICE and ATMEL Studio successfully.
I'm now trying to connect my chip to the Arduino IDE to upload a program through USB, but my USB connection is not working. When I connect the USB cable to PC, I get an "Unrecognized Device" from Windows, and I'm not able to select the COM Port in Arduino IDE. I already tried to upload the program in Arduino IDE even with no port selected, but I always got the message that no board was identified. I tried also to press reset button twice to get in or out of bootloader mode, but nothing happens.
I already uploaded three bootloaders: Arduino Zero, Arduino M0 and Adafruit Feather M0. Same result with all of them.
I don't think it's a problem with Windows Drivers, because any other Arduino board I connect to the PC, it's identified/recognized by Windows and I'm able to upload any program using Arduino IDE.
Attached is the schematic of the circuit I'm using.
Am I missing something that is necessary to establish the USB communication between my board and the PC?
Daniel Reis