Looking to hire someone to design a system using 7 Arduinos, 1 master and 6 slaves. Basically the master would receive commands from a USB game controller (via USB Host Shield) and wirelessly send serial commands the slaves to create digital and analog outputs on the slave Arduinos. You ideally need experience with each part of this. I'm assuming there's a way to use a USB host shield AND a ZigBee on the same Arduino? These are things you''d need to help me understand and implement. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks.
All of this is easily do-able.
A bit more information about the controller and what commands you are planning to send with it would be helpful.
You have several way to approach this as a project, both in terms of hardware/software design and hardware choices.
I have sent you a PM so as not to clutter the board too much.
Cheers Pete.