hi everybody,
I am using arduino2max version november 2010 (downloaded here Arduino Playground - MaxMSP) to get analog data from some eowaves sensors (ir, touch, ribbon such as this http://www.eowave.com/products.php?prod=42).
Everything worked just fine until now. it suddenly stopped showing pins data in max (each pin remain at value 0, rx led blinking couse of max sending 'r' char for reading). I can see the data only by using the serial monitor in arduino software. this board appears to behave normally besides the fact that pins data won't show up in max.
What is strange is that by using another arduino board with the same atmega chip it worked. That leave me thinking that something is wrong with the ftdi chip (i'm using latest driver) or with the board itself. is it possible to "listen" the serial comunication from arduino to max by another arduino (i.e. arduino sensig tx pin on another arduino transmitting serial data via usb)? anything to try?any pointer to some arduino/atmega debugging techniques? many thanks in advance!