ArduinoBLE multiple Central (catch/sniff)


I'd like to make use of my Xmas present (a cheap HeathWatch) and forward the measurements via MQTT.

HW: esp32c3 board,
SmartWatch (Maker Tencent?, Model SACOSDING xyz)
& Cellular Blackview BV with nRF Connect installed

What I'm searching is some basic code (basic concept) using ArduinoBLE (or similar library) which lets multiple devices (Central's?) connect to the Watch (Periphal?) and listen to the notifications.

Every piece of code I so far found seams to end in a 1:1 connection.

My target would be, to let the Watch+App talk as intended, while an esp32 would in the background "sniff" to forward the send data (values of characteristics) via MQTT.

Thanks in advance
with greetings from the baltic sea

PS: Is anybody working on some kind of "H-Band App" Replacemnt on Arduino supported platform?

What you describe is not basic code. This is a hacking project. You're not going to find a ready made example to do this. You're going to have to spend some time learning how BLE works.


Do you think it would be eazier to have 2x esp32 to,
when returning home, ....
1st taking over a 1:1 communication with the watch and
2nd "emulating the watch" communicating 1:1 with the app ?


You're going to have to talk to someone who knows a lot more about this watch. Either way, it's not going to be a simple example code that does this. This will require a bit of work to make it happen.

Thanks to nRF Connect I already could work out a lot of the BLE transmissions (characteristics),
so on that side of the medal I'm pretty positive.

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