If I use BLECharacteristic Notify is not available for the characteristic. Is this by design?
What makes you say this?
See the ArduinoBLE library peripheral example BatteryMonitor.ino where a characteristic is set to Notify.
// Bluetooth® Low Energy Battery Level Characteristic
BLEUnsignedCharCharacteristic batteryLevelChar("2A19", // standard 16-bit characteristic UUID
BLERead | BLENotify); // remote clients will be able to get notifications if this characteristic changes
It seems to be work with all of the other characteristic types, BLEByte, BLEUnsigned, etc. Just not for the plain BLECharCharacteristic for byte arrays.
Please post some code which demonstrates your issue.
I have found that I can use Notify for any characteristic, but you may have a specific case. I will be happy to take a look at your code.
I use LightBlue with an Android phone to see the characteristic properties and when subscribed to a characteristic with a Notify property the reading is automatically updated on the phone.
This is an example I found to use to learn BLE. When I examine this in nrfConnect The BLECharacteristic does not have notify available. The other two do. Also the app I am making for my android phone crashes when I try to SetNotify for the BLECharacteristic .
Callback test
This example creates a BLE peripheral with three services. It demonstrates the
following device callback events: BLEConnected, BLEDisconnected; and
the following characteristic events: BLESubscribed, BLEUnsubscribed, BLEUpdated
The circuit:
- Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board, Arduino Nano 33 IoT,
Arduino Nano 33 BLE, or Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board.
You can use a generic BLE central app, like LightBlue (iOS and Android) or
nRF Connect (Android), to interact with the services and characteristics
created in this sketch.
created 7 Mar 2022
by Tom Igoe
#include <ArduinoBLE.h>
// this define is a macro. It says "take whatever is in parentheses
// and add it in the middle of this string. This way you don't have
// to write out the whole string in each characteristic:
#define MY_UUID(val) ("D65D0396-" val "-4381-9985-653653CE831F")
char bleName[] = "BC1000";
// BLE service
BLEService bcService(MY_UUID("0000"));
// create characteristics: that differ from the service UUID by 1 digit:
BLECharacteristic firstChar(MY_UUID("0001"), BLERead | BLEWrite, 40 | BLENotify);
BLEByteCharacteristic secondChar(MY_UUID("0002"), BLERead | BLEWrite | BLENotify);
BLEByteCharacteristic thirdChar(MY_UUID("0003"), BLERead | BLEWrite | BLENotify);
//BLECharacteristic fourthChar(MY_UUID("0004"), BLERead | BLEWrite, 40 | BLENotify);
void setup() {
// init serial, wait 3 secs for serial monitor to open:
// if the serial port's not open, wait 3 seconds:
if (!Serial) delay(3000);
// use builtin LED for connection indicator:
// begin BLE initialization
if (!BLE.begin()) {
Serial.println("starting BLE failed");
while (true);
// set the local name peripheral advertises:
// print it:
// set the UUID for the service this peripheral advertises:
// add the characteristic:
// add the service:
// set characteristic values:
// assign event handlers for connected, disconnected to peripheral
BLE.setEventHandler(BLEConnected, connectHandler);
BLE.setEventHandler(BLEDisconnected, disconnectHandler);
// assign event handlers for characteristics:
firstChar.setEventHandler(BLEUpdated, characteristicUpdated);
firstChar.setEventHandler(BLESubscribed, characteristicSubscribed);
firstChar.setEventHandler(BLEUnsubscribed, characteristicUnsubscribed);
secondChar.setEventHandler(BLEUpdated, characteristicUpdated);
secondChar.setEventHandler(BLESubscribed, characteristicSubscribed);
secondChar.setEventHandler(BLEUnsubscribed, characteristicUnsubscribed);
thirdChar.setEventHandler(BLEUpdated, characteristicUpdated);
thirdChar.setEventHandler(BLESubscribed, characteristicSubscribed);
thirdChar.setEventHandler(BLEUnsubscribed, characteristicUnsubscribed);
//fourthChar.setEventHandler(BLEUpdated, characteristicUpdated);
//fourthChar.setEventHandler(BLESubscribed, characteristicSubscribed);
//fourthChar.setEventHandler(BLEUnsubscribed, characteristicUnsubscribed);
// start advertising
Serial.println("Bluetooth device active, waiting for connections...");
void loop() {
// poll for BLE events
// listen for BLE connect events:
void connectHandler(BLEDevice central) {
// central connected event handler
Serial.print("Connected event, central: ");
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// listen for BLE disconnect events:
void disconnectHandler(BLEDevice central) {
// central disconnected event handler
Serial.print("Disconnected event, central: ");
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
// listen for characteristic subscribed events:
void characteristicSubscribed(BLEDevice central, BLECharacteristic thisChar) {
// central wrote new value to characteristic, update LED
Serial.print("Characteristic subscribed. UUID: ");
// listen for characteristic unsubscribed events:
void characteristicUnsubscribed(BLEDevice central, BLECharacteristic thisChar) {
// central wrote new value to characteristic, update LED
Serial.print("Characteristic unsubscribed. UUID: ");
// listen for characteristic updated events:
void characteristicUpdated(BLEDevice central, BLECharacteristic thisChar) {
byte incoming[40];
int a0Val = analogRead(A0);
int a1Val = analogRead(A1);
int a2Val = analogRead(A2);
int a3Val = analogRead(A3);
int a4Val = analogRead(A4);
int a5Val = analogRead(A5);
int a6Val = analogRead(A6);
a0Val = map(a0Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
a1Val = map(a1Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
a2Val = map(a2Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
a3Val = map(a3Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
a4Val = map(a4Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
a5Val = map(a5Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
a6Val = map(a6Val, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
byte outgoing[10];
//{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190.200, 210, 220, 230.240, 250, 255};
outgoing[0] = a0Val;
outgoing[1] = a1Val;
outgoing[2] = a2Val;
outgoing[3] = a3Val;
outgoing[4] = a4Val;
outgoing[5] = a5Val;
outgoing[6] = a6Val;
Serial.print("Characteristic updated. UUID: ");
Serial.print(" value: ");
thisChar.readValue(incoming, 40);
Serial.println("incoming: ");
Serial.print("HEX: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
Serial.print(incoming[i], HEX);
Serial.print("DEC: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
Serial.print(incoming[i], DEC);
thisChar.writeValue(outgoing, 10);
Serial.println("outgoing: ");
Serial.print("HEX: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Serial.print(outgoing[i], HEX);
Serial.print("DEC: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Serial.print(outgoing[i], DEC);
//BLECharacteristic firstChar(MY_UUID("0001"), BLERead | BLEWrite, 40 | BLENotify);
BLECharacteristic firstChar(MY_UUID("0001"), BLERead | BLEWrite| BLENotify, 40 );
The syntax in the example is not correct. When I make the above change I can see "Notify" in nrfConnect.
Thank you for sorting that out for me. This makes things a whole lot easier.
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