ArduinoBLE PassKey for bluetooth

Is there a way for the ardunio to to ask for a pass key when using ArduinoBLE for bluetooth.

Past posts on the web go back to 2018 that discuss this was something that would be added in the future. Im not sure it has. Does anyone else know?


Welcome to the forum.

I have not seen any indication that the Arduino library (current version 1.2.0) supports pairing.

To be honest, I do not see the point. Arduinos are educational development boards. Implementing security is a major task which many engineers that make a living designing electronics require support with and still get it wrong from time to time. For most users it would be a major waste of resources if Arduino would spend a lot of time implementing this feature. There are plenty of other things that Arduino could spend their time on. ( This my personal opinion. I do not work for Arduino. )

But, you can ask the developers themselves. Here is the Github link to the library. Maybe they have a reason to add the functionality.

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