ArduinoBT and RFID reader

I'd like to use and ArduinoBT and a RFID reader connected to the ArduinoBT and get all the serial data from the RFID reader to a PC/Mac where all the handling of the RFID reader data will be handled. Unfortunately I have not been able to found if on the ArduinoBT I could use/configure two serial ports. Thanks in advance for any pointers you may give me.

The Atmega168 on the Arduino only have one hardware serial port. You need to use the SoftSerial library if you want more serial ports.

OK, thanks, this looks like exactly what I was looking for.


If the rfid reader has a fairly simple protocol software serial works while I would recommend you get an RFID reader with another protocol like I2C which is supported in hardware and quite fast. has an RFID shield for arduino that uses the I2C protocol with a lot of examples.