Has anyone experienced problems with IoT Dashboard update when the method "ArduinoCloud.update()" is called less often than about every 10s ? It works great calling the method every 2, 3 ,or 4s but when I delay more than about 10s between calls, the Dashboard no longer updates, while the data still accumulates properly in the .csv files in the IoT Cloud.
Could this be a "backend" bug?
Maybe related to this?
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Interesting. I will change that statement in my sketch to:
" ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection, false);"
and then test if I can successfully achieve longer period updates on the Dashboard.
Thank you!
I did that change and it seems to now update the Dashboard every 20s since I call the update method every 20s. I consider it fixed now.
You are welcome. I'm glad it is working now. Enjoy!
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