I have been using ArduinoISP to burn the boot loader onto new chips, I have also used it to upload sketches. It seems that using ArduinoISP to upload a sketch overwrites the boot loader. Is it possible to use ArduinoISP to upload a sketch without overwriting the boot loader?
I have been using ArduinoISP to burn the boot loader onto new chips, I have also used it to upload sketches. It seems that using ArduinoISP to upload a sketch overwrites the boot loader. Is it possible to use ArduinoISP to upload a sketch without overwriting the boot loader?
The IDE does not provide any facility to do this.
You can export the compiled binary (sketch menu) and manually upload the the version with the bootloader included with avrdude.
(note - for third party hardware packages for attiny processors, the sketch+bootloader hex file it generates is no good. This is not the case for official boards or third party packages for atmega processors, though. )
Ok, thats what i suspected, many thanks for confirming it.
Thanks for the info @DrAzzy, I thought uploading sketches via IDE will not overwrite bootloader. Your answer clear that misunderstanding.