ArduinoISP_talk: modification of ArduinoISP to allow serial communication

So the project I am working on now requires me to program via the ISP -- and without access to the hardware UART! The thought of switching cables back and forth annoyed me greatly, so I modified the ArduinioISP code to make the ISP Arduino pass all Serial communication through it.

ArduinoISP v 2

See the UserGuide.html for documentation or go to:

Code is updated at:

Topic on the Arduino Forum at:

your code cannot receive character 0x30 when using this library.

0x30 is a zero ('0'), BTW, so this is a pretty significant limitation!

That's a good point! Fixed to get around that problem

New rules:

 IMPORTANT: ISP mode is triggered when the following is received from the computer
	:: 0x30, 0x20, (delay 250ms +/- 5ms), 0x30, 0x20, (delay 250ms +/- 5ms), 0x30
	Where "0x30, 0x20" are consecutive bits (within 800us of eachother)
	Note that 0x30 == '0' and 0x20 == ' '
	The Arduino can send any characters.