ArduinoOTA - bsdthread_error

Hello All,
I believe I have created an error somehow. My system is all of the sudden giving me the following when I try to do upload using Network ports. This only happens on my main computer (a macbook) but not on my other windows laptop. This started after install IDE2.0. But is also giving the same response after going back to 1.8.19.
USB uploads are not an issue.

Sketch uses 79836 bytes (30%) of program storage space. Maximum is 261120 bytes.
Global variables use 5757 bytes (70%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2435 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.
"/Users/tullymonster/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/arduinoOTA/1.3.0/bin/arduinoOTA" -address -port 65280 -username arduino -password "fishburger" -sketch "/private/var/folders/wv/1wq_jfwx7j92l6fb0w_02ps00000gn/T/arduino-sketch-3BF81F151ACB17906D22D324F092691E/2022_11_09_OTA_GW_V3.ino.bin" -upload /sketch -b
fatal error: runtime: bsdthread_register error

runtime stack:
runtime.throw(0x13693d0, 0x21)
	/ssd/go/src/runtime/panic.go:616 +0x81 fp=0x7ff7bfeff618 sp=0x7ff7bfeff5f8 pc=0x1028be1
	/ssd/go/src/runtime/os_darwin.go:129 +0x83 fp=0x7ff7bfeff648 sp=0x7ff7bfeff618 pc=0x1026763
	/ssd/go/src/runtime/proc.go:501 +0xd6 fp=0x7ff7bfeff6b0 sp=0x7ff7bfeff648 pc=0x102b4d6
runtime.rt0_go(0x7ff7bfeff6e0, 0xe, 0x7ff7bfeff6e0, 0x1000000, 0xe, 0x7ff7bfeff8e0, 0x7ff7bfeff93c, 0x7ff7bfeff945, 0x7ff7bfeff950, 0x7ff7bfeff956, ...)
	/ssd/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:252 +0x1f4 fp=0x7ff7bfeff6b8 sp=0x7ff7bfeff6b0 pc=0x1050fe4
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2

Any advice on what might help resolve would be great.


on a Mac?

what board are you targeting?

we found out that arduinoOTA@1.3.0 crashes on Mac, but that version should only be used by our latest AVR platform

cc @pert

Tested configurations

  • Intel Mac i7
  • Mojave 10.14.6
  • arduinoOTA@1.2.1 :white_check_mark:
  • arduinoOTA@1.3.0 :white_check_mark:

  • M1 Max Mac
  • Monterey 12.6
  • arduinoOTA@1.2.1 :white_check_mark:
  • arduinoOTA@1.3.0 :x:

I am targeting a Mega2560 (optiboot).

I was able to get OTA working again in IDE 1.8.19 by uninstalling IDE2.0 and deleting ~/.arduinoIDE.

My mac is Intel i9 running Monterey.

Yes, I do have Parallels running. Not sure if that explains anything.....

Actually this machine has an amd radeon gpu. Don't know if that has anything to do with your question.

Thank you for the detailed info.
@pert , let's see if we can investigate this further.
IDE 1.8.x should not pick arduinoOTA@1.2.1 over 1.3.0 by its own will

I guess @tullymonster uses my my_boards which references the AVR platform

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