I'm frightened I might of broken my arduino board, but maybe I just being stupid.
I am using the Simple Message System to communicate with PD. I have the pin values displaying correctly in PD, and they seem to correlate with Arduino's Serial Monitor.
Where things are going wrong is the values my arduino is reading on the analog pins.
- Pins A0 and A1 always displays values around 63.
- Pin A2 seems to be working properly. ie when nothing is connected it the values jump around, when connected to ground I get 0, when connected to 5v I get 1024.
- Pins A3, A4 and A5 display values around 900 and when connected to 5v give values of around 1004.
I am not sure when it started, but I might have fed 9v into the analog pins. Would that break it? If so is it irreversible?