Ardumoto dc motor moving only one way

Title says all. We have hooked up our Ardumoto with our Arduino Uno, and the code we uploaded a sample code from the sparkfun Ardumoto website.

It makes the motor go forwards and backwards, but our motor only goes forward, and stops when it is supposed to go backwards. We are connected to a 6V battery pack (not USB connection). If you are farmilliar with the Ardumoto, then you know that when it's not moving at all, both the blue and the orange lights are on (that is what is happening in this case) and when it is going backwards, only the blue light is on.

However, when we disconnect the motors from the Ardumoto, the orange light and the blue light come on, non-coexistently. It is only after we connect our motor that both the blue and orange light come on, when only the orange light should be coming on.

Any help would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Did you build the Ardumoto yourself? It seems to me that if the code is correct and the board is built and connected and powered properly, it should be working. Since it isn't working properly, one of those things must be wrong.