After lots of research and attempts, I have managed to connect the Ardunio Due with the HC-05 Bluetooth module! This post is to explain some things for anyone struggling to follow tutorials. This discussion thread can be used for any other issues people come across.
Importantly, Due does not require the use of SoftwareSerial.h, since there are extra hardware serial ports. Instead, you type Serial1
, Serial2
, or Serial3
, wherever you would normally type Serial
. E.g. Serial1.begin(38400)
Core Electronics have a great tutorial
After connecting everything properly and uploading the code in the tutorial above: if you type AT into the serial monitor and it replies 'ERROR:(0)', then type another command, such as 'AT+VERSION?' which should give some numbers and OK. Try typing AT again and it may work! I'm not sure why this is, does anyone have any ideas?