Ardunio sketch cannot connect to USB port

Sketches (yes, plural) cannot connect to the USB port selected in the TOOLS menu. The sketch tries 10 times, of course, and then declares failure. The port IS selected by using the TOOLS menu for the sketch. In Windows 10 the Device Manager shows the port allocated to the Arduino UNO. As the connection error continue to show in notification the upload failes, on the basis that the Sketch is NOT connect to the port.

The circuit and sketch have an HC-05 bluetooth device but the VCC for that device is disconnected from the circuit. Removing the USB plug from the UNO and then reconnecting it does not help, either

On a previous occurence I swapped UNO boards. That worked 2 or 3 times but the the non-connect problem reappeared.
Tom Kane / Vancouver, B.C.

That will probably not help (as you have discovered); disconnect the RX and TX has a better chance.

Hi, @tmkane

To what pins is the HC-05 connected?
If pins 0 and 1 on the UNO, they are the programming pins.

Try uploading with the Bluetooth completely disconnected/removed from your circuit.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :australia:

Per the "Instructables" tutorial and its code they are on 10 and 11. "Key" is connect to HC-05 pin 1, Arduinop pin 9, and SKetch sets pin 9 to "HIGH".

A resistor split is used as a voltage drop from 5v to 3,3 between the HC-05 DX and TX.

I am not sure what your suggested idea (remove the HC-05) means but I will try that this evening (8:30pm, here, now).

Thanks for this start, TomGeorge,

first, here are the Serial Monitor lines; the result is the same with and without the HC-05 on the board.

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