ArduOpen - complete and free IDE

Hi guys, I am the admin of This site contains Arduino-oriented tutorials, guides and tips. Our idea is to weld toghether accessibility, opensource collaborative software-development and communication knowledge. We are building a tool that has the aim to help people work with tools created by others.

ArduOpen is the idea we are proposing. This is a IDE based on 0022 (we are working also on alpha 1) that shouldcontain all the working ports / libraries and examples compatible with arduino framework. This means that every ArduOpen user could have everything working well and good examples / ports / library, which are built in, in real time. We think that this could improve creativity, lateral thinking, knowledge acquisition and collaboration, speeding up the community's evolution.

We are mining the web looking for ports, examples and libraries built by other Arduino users.
Now we have 2 stable versions - one for linux the other for Windows. This releases contain 62 different ports for many Arduino compatible MCUs. The board menu is modified to fit all microcontrollers, for which we have also divided the menu in 3 families (AT90 ATmega ATtiny). The button menu is changed with new colorful icons :grin:

We are looking for people that want to be involed in something new and help us to pack up all the arduino knowledge in a single software.

This is the democratically selected splashscreen up to date, but we are always open to ideas!
A beautiful light show based on bioluminescent jelly fish aggregation. A symbol of unity, to get better results.

This is the actual IDE theme and menu

We are working also to have an english version of, still under costruction
For this reason we created a single english topic here: is for sale | HugeDomains

I can't read Italian but, it looks like you have a nice start and thanks for making it English also. I hope your progress continues!

Here you can find the Linux release: is for sale | HugeDomains and the Windows release - [now defunct] Free File Hosting

Here you can find the Linux release: and the Windows release - [now defunct] Free File Hosting

Just wanted to let you know that the Linux version worked fine on my Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit box here; I had to swab the librxtx for the 64 bit version, but after that it ran fine. Looks pretty cool, great job! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this!


Thank you for your feedback guys :slight_smile:
We will do our best to keep it as updated as we can, i'm working on the windows version too :wink: , so stay tuned.

Great project! Any chance you will be releasing the libraries in a less restrictive license? Not that it really matters much, because LGPL is designed for use in closed-source projects.

Do you have an easy way to add a bootloader to the other chips? Or do I need to get the Atmel programming board for that?

Very nice! I'll be watching this project closely :stuck_out_tongue:

a new windows build of ArduOpen is available for download, find it here:

if you play with it, let me know if you have any problem :slight_smile:

I see a lot of similar tools being downloaded.
Why no make a ZIP that uses the - allready installed - arduino 22 / AVR tools ?
Or do you include newer versions?

i want to let people use the official and unofficial version together :slight_smile:

a new windows build of ArduOpen is available for download, find it here:
if you play with it, let me know if you have any problem :slight_smile:

I download and installed ArduOpen last night. Program opened fine, I saw that you more examples built into the program which was nice. I looked a some of them over and I hope to try them soon!

Nice job! I hope the program continues in it's evolution.

Guys, a quick question: I wanted to install ArduOpen alongside with Arduino 0022 on my Linux 64-bit system just to try it out. I don't want 0022 IDE to be altered in any way 'cause I'm working on something in there. Can they co-exist on one (Linux) machine? I mean, do I need any new versions of libraries for ArduOpen that would then prevent 0022 from working properly?

My short experience so far, is that the programs are totally separate. The only thing I have seen is that my sketchbook automatically transferred over.

In short my original 0022 IDE is unchanged.

sadly no, 'cause they share some files.
you will see the extra boards in the 022regular ide.
Anyway ArduOpen simply adds features , and the only matter you culd have is to see something more :).
can you install it in a sandbox or something similar?
windows users can download the latest version built today.

can you install it in a sandbox or something similar?Thanks for your input, guys! I guess I could install it in a virtual machine (Sun's VirtualBox is what I'm most familiar with) but I could never trust its USB communications, in fact I don't even know if it would talk to a physical USB port from inside a virtual machine.

Anyhow, I might just try to install it on the same physical box anyway and save the old libraries in a backup someplace to put them back if I need to.


as far as i know, only vmware has this feature (usb) working almost good.
You can always backup your library folder and preferences file, then install aside.

a new build is out! (023BB) , download the latest windows build from here:

Let me know what you think and if you have any problem.

as far as i know, only vmware has this feature (usb) working almost good.
You can always backup your library folder and preferences file, then install aside.

Virtualbox makes USB devices available to guests. Has for quite some time. The key is you can't
use the opensource version of virtual box. You must use the closed source version and
install the guest extensions. (get them from the virtualbox site)

Not sure if there are any issues with 64 bit linux hosts or Vista/Win7 guests but I have used
USB device access with an XP guest running on Virtual box using 32 bit Ubuntu 10.10 & 9.04 as a host.
I can say it does work for USB disks, USB printers, and even for USB serial ports including using the Arduino IDE.

You have go to the devices option in the VM guest window and "grab" the USB device away from
the host. But then it is free for use by the guest until you release it or close down the guest.

I will say that USB transfers are not nearly as fast as native but for serial type data rates
is really isn't an issue.

--- bill