Hi, and sorry for the long post.
I'm trying to use the ardweeny clone from solarbotics as an ISP programmer, but I am not getting anywhere.
The goal is to use an ardweeny as ISP programmer to change an atm328p chip which already has a bootloader so that:
it is set to use internal 8MHz oscillator
burn a corresponding bootloader on it
I can reprogram other chips
My setup is as follows:
built and tested an ardweeny with a simple blink sketch to be used as ISP
uploaded the ArduinoISP sketch with Arduino 0021 to the ISP ardweeny
connected heartbeat, comm and error LEDs to the ISP ardweeny. When the ISP ardweeny is powered, the heartbeat blinks.
Since I am trying to reprogram a chip without oscillator, I connected pins to target chip as explained in the breadboard arduino tutorial, as follows:
ISP ardweeny D10 (pin #16) to reset pin (#1) on the chip I want to re-program
ardweeny D11, D12, D13 (pins #17,#18,#19) to pins 17, 18, 19 of the target chip
pins 7 and 20 of the target chip to 5V from the ardweeny
pins 8 and 22 to ardweeny ground
As I said, the m328p chip I'm trying to use already has a bootloader burned, and is set to operate with external oscillator at 16 MHz (using a chip from another ardweeny kit)
Communication from the PC to the ISP ardweeny is done via 5V USB sparkfun basic breakout (http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9115)
The schematic of the ardweeny:
I'm using the most recent WinAVR -- avrdude.exe: Version 5.10, compiled on Jan 19 2010 at 10:45:23 (tried the one bundled with the arduino software with the same result)
Trying to connect to the target chip with avrdude fails like this:
C:\winavr\avrdude -c arduino -P COM3 -b 19200 -p m328p
avrdude.exe: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0xf0
the heartbeat LED on the ardweeny is blinking
when i try to access the target chip, the I/O and the error leds blink briefly and then avrdude returns with the error above.
I am obviously doing something simple very wrong, but I can't see what it is. Any hints?
Thanks in advance.