voltsarray[count] == voltage;
Are the rules different for this code or it should be = instead of ==. confused as usual.
voltsarray[count] == voltage;
Are the rules different for this code or it should be = instead of ==. confused as usual.
Your snippet is meaningless without context.
= is assignment. It changes the value of the thing on the left.
== is comparison. It returns true if the things on either side are equal.
It should be fairly obvious whether you're trying to compare to values or change the value of something.
The single = is an assignment operator. It assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left.
The double == is the equality operator. It compares the two values and returns true or false.
Without context, as AWOL points out, it is impossible to determine which you want to use.
The single = is an assignment operator. It assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left
. . .and evaluates true/false the result of the assignment
. . .and evaluates true/false the result of the assignment
No, it does not. It returns the VALUE assigned.
No, it does not. It returns the VALUE assigned.
This evaluates to true.
try it.
int a = 8;
if (a = 0){
Serial.println("This never gets printed");
if (a == 0) {
Serial.println("Even though the assignment was successful");