I am starting to work on a project where I connect various Arduinos through a CANBus.
I am using for the following library (mcp2515 as hardware)
Now I am wondering if there are any simple application layer libraries around.
I only found this CANOpen implementation
I read before that people refrained from implementing such a library because it will be "too big". I am also concerned if such a library uses up processing time when used for simple tasks.
Are there alternatives or should I just implement my own application layer?
it is probably simpler to implement your own application layer
it is also a good idea to have a USB-CAN dongle for a PC so you can view traffic on the bus
can your describe your project in more detail?
I am working on some kind of music instrument interface which is modular and because of this distributed over various arduinos. These arduinos also have to communicate between each other (at a lower priority) and receive updates and send data to a computer.