Are there non-blocking net libraries/routines out there?

I see a whole lot of netcode parsing that blocks like crazy. I dealt with SIM900 that was like that, hung the greenhouse sketch for over 30 seconds when the simcard begin() method ran.

I have the ways to make a non-block happen as long as there's an available() function but I'm not tight with the protocols for UDP, HTML, BT, AT-codes down solid. I have a non-buffering keyword matcher that can be used to parse serial text faster than 115200 (good to leave cycles for other tasks) on-the-fly, it knows matches as they happen in time to do something before the next text begins to arrive -- not kidding. You want the IP number? Show me the format that leads up to it and what texts to expect and replies to make and I'll keep the blockies out. Who's up for de-laming some routines?