Arithmetic question

Hello !
I would like to make some arithmetic, not sure how to do it. Here is my code :

      case 'H':         //stabtrim test
      delay (11);
      stabtrim = "";
      stabtrim += getChar();
      stabtrim += getChar();
      stabtrim += getChar();
      stabtrim += getChar();
      if (stabtrim != stabtrimold){
         lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
         delay (11);
         // newstabtrim = (0.1289 x stabtrim) + 4.1
         lcd.print("Trim : " + stabtrim);
         stabtrimold = stabtrim;

So, as you can see in comments, I have to change the stabtrim value with the formula to display newstabtrim. Any idea how I can do it ?

Go here first and read. Pay particular attention to the section on mathematical operators.

You've almost got it, but you're using the wrong symbol for multiplication.

Why type is stabtrim?
What does getChar() return? You appear to be adding characters. Unless stabtrim is a String, in which case you haven't a hope in hell of multiplying it by anything.

Oh I missed that part.

Yet more evidence that one should post complete code.