Having another one of my thick evenings (seem to be having a lot of those lately)
I want to set up an array to store the values of my RGB strip.
I was declaring (incorrectly):
const uint8_t Leds[][4] = {10, 60, 25};
and then when required:
MyLeds[1].setRGB(Leds[0], Leds[1], Leds[2]);
This obviously doesn't compile, but I just cannot work out the correct way to do it.
It isn't obvious (to me) from that snippet and description, what it is that you want to do.
As soon as I made this thread..... I fixed it. Mods, feel free to delete this waste of your valuable server space!
It would help future readers if you explained how you fixed it
Well that brief (and incomplete) example complied. I am trying to use PlatformIO as a new IDE and it is driving me mad.
It has gone screwy tonight and started flagging up errors that are not
September 4, 2022, 9:22pm
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