I wanna read the values of my accelerometer, connected on a ADC-Input for 2seconds.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 20000; i = i ++) // 20'000 x 0.1ms --> 2000ms --> 2sec
sensorValue = analogRead(analogPin); // read accelerometer
array_acc = sensorValue ; // write accelerometer value to accelerater-array } I've tried it with the arduino uno, but there is a stack overflow. Is this with the Arduino DUE possible, or do I need an other solution? If yes: How can I solve this? Thank you and have a nice day!
in a more compact version of RLE you can do the following.
one analog read returns a 10 bits number.
That leaves 6 bits unused
this can be used to encode a run length of 1..64
drawback you must pack/unpack the bits, but this can be faster than the analogread itself.
another way to compress the samples is delta encoding.
byte ar[1000];
ar[0] = analogRead;
for (int i=1; i< 1000; i++)
a = analogRead(A0);
ar[n] = a - ar[n-1];
drawback is that you must sum from start to N to get value of ar[N]
I wanna read my ADC(accelerometer) for about 2-3seconds, while I'm punching in my construction(sensor is on the construction)
Then in an other routine, I want to find the maximum and display it on my 2.8" TFT Shield also with the curve from the array.
I just wanna plot the range of about 10-20ms. so just that I can see the punch-curve.
But I wanna sample about 2-3seconds, that I've got enough time for punching.
I hope you can imagine a little bit what I wanna do (:
Couldn't you just sample at 1ms? I imagine that the general speed of such a thing is not going to be that fast. This will reduce your array size by a factor of 10.
Thank you for your trigger soultion!
But the Problem is there, that the beginning is lost, so I would need a roundbuffer or something, which always overwrites the oldest one.
But I've found a Problem... the 2.8" TFT Touch Shield from adafruit does only work with the Arduino UNO and MEGA =S
Arduino UNO has not enough RAM and I don't think that the MEGA has enough to sample for about 2 seconds every 0.1ms.
What should I do now?
Couldn't you just sample at 1ms? I imagine that the general speed of such a thing is not going to be that fast. This will reduce your array size by a factor of 10.
No every 1ms is too slow, maybe every 0.3ms would be enough.
But then there is still an array of 6666 needed.
The Mega has 8k so that would work as long as there isn't too much happening on the stack.
Or get one of the Mega1284 boards, they have 16k of RAM.
the 2.8" TFT Touch Shield from adafruit does only work with the Arduino UNO and MEGA
Why is that? Maybe it's something you can get around for the Due. Maybe you should use a different display. There is a Due GUI thread running here that is about using a GLCD on the Due.
The Mega has 8k so that would work as long as there isn't too much happening on the stack.
Or get one of the Mega1284 boards, they have 16k of RAM.
the 2.8" TFT Touch Shield from adafruit does only work with the Arduino UNO and MEGA
Why is that? Maybe it's something you can get around for the Due. Maybe you should use a different display. There is a Due GUI thread running here that is about using a GLCD on the Due.
I just wanna plot the range of about 10-20ms. so just that I can see the punch-curve.
But I wanna sample about 2-3seconds, that I've got enough time for punching.
Before you try to estimate memory consumption , read a sensors data sheet. There is a sampling rate or max. freq. response.
I don't think your sensor needs to be sampled 10 000 sps, probably 50 - 1500. So you better to reduce a sampling rate.
Here is an project, board UNO can store in EEPROM accelerometer data for 5 sec, 3D. http://coolarduino.wordpress.com/2013/12/24/gesture-recognition/