ASCII characters in the Serial Monitor

Hello, it's me again. Sorry for making multiple posts so close together. :confused:

For an assignment in my introductory microprocessors class, I have to create a program that reads a phrase typed into the serial monitor and prints how many vowels are in said string.

I've seen a lot of examples online about how to do this with integers, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it work with letters.

Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thank you!

 /* HW 3: Vowel Count
 * Adapted from

char input = 0;
int count = 0;
int countA = 0;
int countE = 0;
int countI = 0;
int countO = 0;
int countU = 0;
int counta = 0;
int counte = 0;
int counti = 0;
int counto = 0;
int countu = 0;

void setup()

 Serial.begin( 9600 );


void loop()
       count = 0; 
        while ( Serial.available() == 0 )
          input =;
          delay ( 3000 );
          Serial.print (input);
          Serial.print (" ");

          if ( input = 65 )
          count = count++;
          if ( input = 69 )
          count = count++;
          if ( input = 73 )
          count = count++;
          if ( input = 79 )
          count = count++;
          if ( input = 85 )
          count = count++;
           if ( input = 97 )
          count = count++;
           if ( input = 101 )
          count = count++;
          if ( input = 105 )
          count = count++;
           if ( input = 111 )
          count = count++;
          if ( input = 117 )
          count = count++;

      if (count > 0)
      Serial.print (count);
      Serial.println (" vowel(s)");
      delay (200);

Well, first of all, you have a "phrase" of unknown length coming to the Serial port, yet you allow for only a single character to be moved from the buffer to your 'input". You must have storage for the entire phrase.

Then you wait 3 seconds for what?



Thanks for getting back to me.

Do you mean that I need a string to read it? I thought that might be the case, but we had not talked about that in class yet when this was assigned.

The delay was left over from previous troubleshooting, sorry.


Thanks for getting back to me.

Do you mean that I need a string to read it? I thought that might be the case, but we had not talked about that in class yet when this was assigned.

The delay was left over from previous troubleshooting, sorry.

I suspected that was the case for the delay.

Please review the tutorial on reading serial data : Serial Input Basics - updated - Introductory Tutorials - Arduino Forum.

That should help a bit.


hint 1: watch your "=" vs "==" !
hint 2: in C, a single ascii character inside single quotes has an integer value equal to the ascii value of the character.
So "if (input == 97)" can be written as "if (input == 'a')"

If you need to print how many vowels you have you only need 1 count, and just check any incoming char against the vowels (small caps or not - what about Y?). Print the result when you receive ‘\n’ for example

What are those for then

int countA = 0;
int countE = 0;
int countI = 0;
int countO = 0;
int countU = 0;
int counta = 0;
int counte = 0;
int counti = 0;
int counto = 0;
int countu = 0;

This - in plain English -

while ( Serial.available() == 0 )
          input =;

would read as « while I don’t have anything to read, try to read it anyway ».... how successful do you think that is likely to be?

(plus the = versus == etc)


char input = 0;

int count = 0;
int countA = 0;
int countE = 0;
int countI = 0;
int countO = 0;
int countU = 0;
int counta = 0;
int counte = 0;
int counti = 0;
int counto = 0;
int countu = 0;

You define all of them, but never use them.

void loop()

      count = 0;
        while ( Serial.available() == 0 )
          input =;
          delay ( 3000 );
          Serial.print (input);
          Serial.print (" ");

if ( input = 65 )

Three errors.

  1. you reset count to 0 every time loop runs. So it can never go past 1.
  2. you only run this when there's nothing to read. Replace the while line with:
if (Serial.available()) {

This will run the block when you have something on the Serial buffer: read the character and process it.

          if ( input = 65 )

And this one of course.

If you don't care about which vowel but just want to count them all you can do this in a single if statement:

if (input == 'a' || input == 'e' || input == 'i') { // fill in the rest
if (input == '\n') { // newline character terminates the input.
  Serial.print("Vowels counted in this input: ");
  count = 0;

Never put a delay() when you deal with Serial input - don’t second guess asynchronous behavior with synchronous code

Would suggest you read Serial Input Basics

Just a quick note: an ASCII coded number minus ASCII number ‘0’ is the number in decimal.