hello-- i am a noob..just installed arduino 1.5.8 beta on my ubuntu 14.04 and it will launch and configure
to my mega2560.. but when i try and compile/verify(even on a blank skeleton sketch), it gives this error and stops--
Arduino: 1.5.8 (Linux), Board: "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"
For an Arduino MEGA 2560 you should be using Arduino 1.0.6, not the Arduino 1.5.x beta-test version with preliminary Arduino DUE and Arduino YÜN support.
thanks for both replies.. i looked for "avr6" in board.txt...wasnt there, so i did what the other advice was-- just run 1.05..
it does run OK.. i just was wanting to see whats new in 1.5.8..
thanks for such rapid help..its appreciated..