Assiatance with DS3231 RTC Module with Arduino Uno

I would like to add a DS3231 RTC Module to my Arduino Uno so it will keep the time when power is off. But Pin 13 is already being used for a monitor. DS3231 designates the use of Pin 13 for CLK_PIN.
What should I do in order to use the DS3231?

Thank you.

I thought DS3231 was I2C?

DS3231 is an I2C device, it needs to go on A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL) of the UNO.

It can use both I2C and SPI interface.

Pin 13 is hardware SPI clock pin, with pins 12 and 11 part of the SPI bus. Move your monitor thing to another pin. Or use the I2C interface like indeed just about everyone else does.

Please provide a detailed description of what the "monitor" is.