assigning adresses to vibration sensor in my database

am working on a cable fault and monitoring system and am using digital normally open vibration sensor to detect theft activity , based on the assuption that thieves use daggars, and saws to cut the cables , so in my arduino code i will calibrate them so as to allow for an alarm at a certain level of vibration. the problem comes now on pinpointing where exactly the theft is occuring. to get around the location pinpoinitng am intending to predefine my vib sensors according to the pin they are conected on on the arduino , say vibr_sensor on pin 13 = blacks road , 14th avenue and the gps coordinates also given so that tactical teams can be there in few minutes.

so when there is theft attempt , the arduino sends a request to the web app with the sensor id , and the database reveals the location and posts it to the arduino lcd instantly as well as sending to the mobile phone via gsm network.

thanks in advance

am working on a cable fault and monitoring system and am using digital normally open vibration sensor to detect theft activity , based on the assuption that thieves use daggars, and saws to cut the cables , so in my arduino code i will calibrate them so as to allow for an alarm at a certain level of vibration. the problem comes now on pinpointing where exactly the theft is occuring. to get around the location pinpoinitng am intending to predefine my vib sensors according to the pin they are conected on on the arduino , say vibr_sensor on pin 13 = blacks road , 14th avenue and the gps coordinates also given so that tactical teams can be there in few minutes.

so when there is theft attempt , the arduino sends a request to the web app with the sensor id , and the database reveals the location and posts it to the arduino lcd instantly as well as sending to the mobile phone via gsm network.

thanks in advance

what type of cable ?
your other post talks about sensing the distance where the cable is cut.

thanks for the timely response dave , the cable am looking at is a simple twisted wire. am still looking for the best option. for laboratory prototype i would consider lenths of up to 20m for the option that senses when the cable is cut. but my problem with it is that it is a reactive method , thats why al also considering vibration sensor or any other method the arduino community might suggest that is proactive to cable theft.

Use a pair to run a current loop in the cable. If the cable gets cut, the current stops.

Use a pair to run a current loop in the cable. If the cable gets cut, the current stops.

Use a pair to run a current loop in the cable. If the cable gets cut, the current stops.

hey there , by pair do you mean a twisted pair cable , and after detecting 0 current , how then do i pinpoint location or lenth of cable from the cut point

Somewhere along 20 meters of cable is not close enough for thief detection?

How many vibration sensors per 20m cable? How far do these vibrations carry?
What will power the sensors? The cable? And carry the signal?

Suppose you cut the cable into shorter pieces and put a large value resistor across the current loop wires at every splice putting it back together (like where you would for vib sensors)? Then if the cable gets cut the resistance against current coming back drops. Use analog read to detect where.

Come to think of it, someone should make cable like that with resistors built in.