AssistNow offline/online on Arduino uno R4

Hi to all,
I want implement to a project Assistnow Online or Offline for fast and accurate fixes. It consists of creating a link, which is not difficult, downloading a file .ubx from that link and finally parsing with the Arduino and sending it to the receiver. I will use both Arduino Uno R4 Wifi and Arduino Giga R1. I found some examples from Sparkfun GNSS v3 library but they work only for ESP32 sparkfun boards
Here is an example

  Use ESP32 WiFi to get AssistNow Online data from u-blox Thingstream
  By: SparkFun Electronics / Paul Clark
  Date: November 24th, 2021
  License: MIT. See license file for more information.

  This example shows how to obtain AssistNow Online data from u-blox Thingstream over WiFi
  and push it to a u-blox module using Serial.

  You will need to have a token to be able to access Thingstream. See the AssistNow README for more details.

  Update secrets.h with your:
  - WiFi credentials
  - AssistNow token string

  Uncomment the "#define USE_MGA_ACKs" below to test the more robust method of using the
  UBX_MGA_ACK_DATA0 acknowledgements to confirm that each MGA message has been accepted.

  Feel like supporting open source hardware?
  Buy a board from SparkFun!
  SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM:
  ZED-F9P RTK2:                   
  SparkFun GPS Breakout - ZOE-M8Q (Qwiic):

  Hardware Connections:
  Plug a Qwiic cable into the GNSS and a ESP32 Thing Plus
  If you don't have a platform with a Qwiic connection use the SparkFun Qwiic Breadboard Jumper (
  Open the serial monitor at 115200 baud to see the output

//#define USE_MGA_ACKs // Uncomment this line to use the UBX_MGA_ACK_DATA0 acknowledgements

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include "secrets.h"

const char assistNowServer[] = "";
//const char assistNowServer[] = ""; // Alternate server

const char getQuery[] = "GetOnlineData.ashx?";
const char tokenPrefix[] = "token=";
const char tokenSuffix[] = ";";
const char getGNSS[] = "gnss=gps,glo;"; // GNSS can be: gps,qzss,glo,bds,gal
const char getDataType[] = "datatype=eph,alm,aux;"; // Data type can be: eph,alm,aux,pos


#include <SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3.h> //http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3

#define mySerial Serial1 // Use Serial1 to communicate with the GNSS module


void setup()

  Serial.println(F("AssistNow Example"));

  while (Serial.available()); // Empty the serial buffer
  Serial.println(F("Press any key to begin..."));
  while (!Serial.available()); // Wait for a keypress

  mySerial.begin(38400); // Use 38400 baud (for u-blox F9 / M10)

  // Connect to the GNSS.

  if (myGNSS.begin(mySerial) == false) //Connect to the Ublox module using mySerial
    Serial.println(F("u-blox GPS not detected. Please check wiring. Freezing."));
    while (1);
  Serial.println(F("u-blox module connected"));

  myGNSS.setUART1Output(COM_TYPE_UBX); //Set the UART port to output UBX only

  // Connect to WiFi.

  Serial.print(F("Connecting to local WiFi"));

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  Serial.println(F("WiFi connected!"));

  // Use HTTP GET to receive the AssistNow_Online data

  const int URL_BUFFER_SIZE  = 256;
  char theURL[URL_BUFFER_SIZE]; // This will contain the HTTP URL
  int payloadSize = 0; // This will be updated with the length of the data we get from the server
  String payload; // This will store the data we get from the server

  // Assemble the URL
  // Note the slash after the first %s (assistNowServer)
  snprintf(theURL, URL_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s/%s%s%s%s%s%s",

  Serial.print(F("HTTP URL is: "));

  HTTPClient http;


  int httpCode = http.GET(); // HTTP GET

  // httpCode will be negative on error
  if(httpCode > 0)
    // HTTP header has been sent and Server response header has been handled
    Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... code: %d\r\n", httpCode);
    // If the GET was successful, read the data
    if(httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) // Check for code 200
      payloadSize = http.getSize();
      Serial.printf("Server returned %d bytes\r\n", payloadSize);
      payload = http.getString(); // Get the payload

      // Pretty-print the payload as HEX
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i < payloadSize; i++)
        if (payload[i] < 0x10) // Print leading zero
        Serial.print(payload[i], HEX);
        Serial.print(" ");
        if ((i % 16) == 15)
      if ((i % 16) != 15)
    Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\r\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());
  // Push the AssistNow data to the module

  if (payloadSize > 0)
    // Uncomment the next line to enable the 'major' debug messages on Serial so you can see what AssistNow data is being sent
    //myGNSS.enableDebugging(Serial, true);

#ifndef USE_MGA_ACKs

    // ***** Don't use the UBX_MGA_ACK_DATA0 messages *****

    // Push all the AssistNow data. Don't use UBX_MGA_ACK_DATA0's. Use the default delay of 7ms between messages.
    myGNSS.pushAssistNowData(payload, (size_t)payloadSize);


    // ***** Use the UBX_MGA_ACK_DATA0 messages *****

    // Tell the module to return UBX_MGA_ACK_DATA0 messages when we push the AssistNow data

    // Push all the AssistNow data.
    // We have called setAckAiding(1) to instruct the module to return MGA-ACK messages.
    // So, we could set the pushAssistNowData mgaAck parameter to SFE_UBLOX_MGA_ASSIST_ACK_YES.
    // But, just for giggles, let's use SFE_UBLOX_MGA_ASSIST_ACK_ENQUIRE just to confirm that the
    // MGA-ACK messages are actually enabled.
    // Wait for up to 100ms for each ACK to arrive! 100ms is a bit excessive... 7ms is nearer the mark.
    myGNSS.pushAssistNowData(payload, (size_t)payloadSize, SFE_UBLOX_MGA_ASSIST_ACK_ENQUIRE, 100);



  Serial.println(F("Here we go!"));


void loop()
  // Print the UBX-NAV-PVT data so we can see how quickly the fixType goes to 3D
  long latitude = myGNSS.getLatitude();
  Serial.print(F("Lat: "));

  long longitude = myGNSS.getLongitude();
  Serial.print(F(" Long: "));
  Serial.print(F(" (degrees * 10^-7)"));

  long altitude = myGNSS.getAltitude();
  Serial.print(F(" Alt: "));
  Serial.print(F(" (mm)"));

  byte SIV = myGNSS.getSIV();
  Serial.print(F(" SIV: "));

  byte fixType = myGNSS.getFixType();
  Serial.print(F(" Fix: "));
  if(fixType == 0) Serial.print(F("No fix"));
  else if(fixType == 1) Serial.print(F("Dead reckoning"));
  else if(fixType == 2) Serial.print(F("2D"));
  else if(fixType == 3) Serial.print(F("3D"));
  else if(fixType == 4) Serial.print(F("GNSS + Dead reckoning"));
  else if(fixType == 5) Serial.print(F("Time only"));


The library <HTTPClient.h> is not accessible unless you choose a Sparkfun ESP32 board.
How can I download the AGPS data from the link and how can I access it with the Arduino?

Then use those boards.

The Arduino R4 is rather new and many libraries can't be used. Use the Sparkfun ESP32 board.

Your project is rather advanced and You need to use the hardware having code and library support. Selecting hardware first is not good.

You can't buy Ford spare parts and apply them to a Japanese car....

I use Arduino boards for various projects. I randomly encountered those examples

Okey, but start with the application and the boards it need. All boards are not suitable for every project. If You want a cylindrical body, start with a cylindrical rod. If You want a rectangular body, start with a rectangular rod.
It is possible to make a cylindrical rod into a square, and the opposite..
Regarding advanced digital processing, finding good and useful libraries is valuable. Using an "impossible" board, write the library Yourself.


Do you really require the HTTPClient by Spark-fun??
Have you tried sending the GET request using e.g. Postman?? It does return some data.
Therefore, any http lib that can run on Arduino boards or esp boards can be used sufficiently.

ps: sparkfun wouldn't really lock you out :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: maybe they would :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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