Well, for example, in slot IELSR05 I write Event number from table 13.4, say, corresponding to the interrupt request from VBATT_LVD. Then I attach the interrupt like this: attachInterrupt(3, VBAT_Interrupt, FALLING);
Should I put a pin here that won't actually be used?
You're doing this wrong. This is an old hack that we were using to get around the fact that IRQManager.h didn't support some interrupts. There is now a attachGenericInterrupt function that you can use directly to attach your interrupt.
See here:
The new renesas-uno platform 1.2.0 has a new function for attaching generic interrupts that aren't covered elsewhere in the IRQManager.h
Here's a test sketch that attaches IRQ0 using the new function. This could be done with attachInterrupt instead, but pin interrupts are easy to set up so I used this for illustration. The function will be handy for things like the CAC and CTSU that aren't implemented in the Arduino core and aren't covered in IRQManger.h
#include "IRQManager.h"
volatile boo…