AT+CGDCONT Issue (trashed context)


I can't delete a PDP Context with AT+CGDCONT=1, it keeps the values.
My problem is that the last PDP context trashed (like code below) when i will set it via AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet" on serial port. Its always the last index, when i will set a number 3 then this new one will broke and index 2 is good.

I detected also a newline between the contexts, maybe its just a serial formatting. But i think this newline wasn't in the factory default.

How can I restore the PDP to factory default?


+CGDCONT: 1,"IP","internet","",0,0

+CGDCONT: 2,"I" 0

Thank your very much for taking time..

hijack :.

Duplicate post deleted. Have a little patience when posting please.