AT+CIPCLOSE error in ESP8266 when connected to DHT11

Hi , Im doing project on Temperature and Humidity monitoring using Arduino UNO and ThingSpeak . Here is my code and the connection photo and the Serial monitor screenshot . In serial monitor I am getting

Kindly tell me whats wrong

DHT11_Thingspeak.ino (2.62 KB)

Why is the DHT11 connected to the ESP8266 when the sketch on the Arduino tries to read it?

Why does the sketch on the Arduino reads and writes to a SoftwareSerial on pins 10 and 11 but in your wiring you hooked it to 0 and 1?

Kindly tell me whats wrong

Almost everything.

I already gave you some hints. Tell us what "Fuente" means, you're posting to the English part of the forum.