At command AT+cpbw

How can I memorize the name of the owner of the number in the same command in addition to the phone number

String phone = "";
String name = " Marc";
sendATCommand("AT +CPBW=1,"" + phone + """,true);

you need to generate a c-string with

AT+CPBW=[<index>] [,<number>[,<type>[,<text>]]] 

if I remember correctly type is 145 when the dialing requires the + (international number) otherwise it's 129 (there are other like 161,177)

  • index is where you want to write in the phonebook (1-254) or empty to add at the end.
  • number is the phone number within double quotes
  • text is the attached description within double quotes

AT+CPBW=1,"123456789",129,"John Doe"

the catch is that you need to have double quotes and you need to escape them \" to have them inside a C++ string

the easiest way to generate that is to use String as you've started using those

String command = "AT+CPBW=1,\"";
command += phone;
command += "\",129,\"";
command += name;
sendATCommand(command.c_str(), true);

or use or sprintf() if you want to use the (better for memory) c-strings



I was confused by the double quotes, but I managed to write the command this way.
it's OK now.

sendATCommand ("AT+CPBW=1,\"" + phone + "\",129,\"Marc\"",true);

OK - yes that should do it too (it creates lots of small hidden Strings when you do concatenation this way, that's why the preferred method is using += instead)

I guess then sendATCommand() does expect a String and not a c-string as I thought it would

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