At command hc06

Hi been using a hc06 to control a machine via Mac book by connecting Bluetooth and quickly connecting in the software for the machine it won't do it now
Got a new ardunio uno several hc06 and cannot get a AT command using serial monitor

rx to tx tx to rx

using resistors

computer sees it in Bluetooth

Serial set at 9600 n c tried every baud rate nothing hc06 bought from differnt places

hope this is in the correct place

No GND between them?

Where, how? Please post schematics.

Yes, it's the correct place.

Since you imply you are using a Uno to configure Bluetooth, posting your code for this might be a nice idea as well. As things are, there is a possibility that you have Bluetooth on hardware serial - along with the keyboard.

Martyn Currey has an excellent tutorial that will get you started using the HC-06.

Hi Guys thanks for the input, I have connected straight to the 3.5v tx-tx-rx-rx and used serial monitor changed name and baud rate but the open build program just report back as port closed

Incoherent, probably wrong, and suggests you ignored post#4, which you should read again.

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