AT Commands Not Returning OK in The IDE


  1. PC, Windows 10, has Arduino IDE
  2. Simtech 7600E-H, sim card & LTE antenna attached
  3. Micro-USB attached to USB section of the hat

Code: n/a the sketch is empty, baud rate was set at 9600. The NET LED blinked every second throughout.

I was testing the functionality of my GSM hat on my PC when I entered "AT" and there was no response (The expected response is "OK"). Ditto for "AT+CMGF=1". I also tried 19200 baud. It did not work. There's also 15 baud rates to try, which is tedious. What could I be missing?

The setting of the jumpers ?
according to the manual they should be set to 'C'

from the section on connecting with the PI

Baud rate is 115200 by default.

which will probably be reflected in the examples that come with the Arduino library you can download (instructions in ch.4)
There may be a need for a line ending, the manual does not specify, again look at the examples.

Which means that it hasn't connected to the network that the simcard is trying to use.

I didn't use any jumpers, nor did I use the Uno.

Did you read the manual ?
in the manual it shows a picture of the Simtech 7600E-H on page 4.
where there are 2 yellow jumpers on the header pins with the markings A, B & C.
For using the USB port, you need to both set them to 'C'

Well that works! Since I'm not using the Arduino, I can just set it to the default baud rate

Just to make this clear. I don't own a Simtech 7600E-H, i just googled

Simtech 7600E-H manual

and read it until i found this bit of information.
Good luck with your project !

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