I have Atlas Scientific pH kit.
Arduino Mega Sample Code:
This software was made to demonstrate how to quickly get your Atlas Scientific product running on the Arduino platform.
An Arduino MEGA 2560 board was used to test this code.
This code was written in the Arudino 1.0 IDE
Modify the code to fit your system.
**Type in a command in the serial monitor and the Atlas Scientific product will respond.**
**The data from the Atlas Scientific product will come out on the serial monitor.**
Code efficacy was NOT considered, this is a demo only.
The TX3 line goes to the RX pin of your product.
The RX3 line goes to the TX pin of your product.
Make sure you also connect to power and GND pins to power and a common ground.
Open TOOLS > serial monitor, set the serial monitor to the correct serial port and set the baud rate to 38400.
Remember, select carriage return from the drop down menu next to the baud rate selection; not "both NL & CR".
String inputstring = ""; //a string to hold incoming data from the PC
String sensorstring = ""; //a string to hold the data from the Atlas Scientific product
boolean input_stringcomplete = false; //have we received all the data from the PC
boolean sensor_stringcomplete = false; //have we received all the data from the Atlas Scientific product
void setup(){ //set up the hardware
Serial.begin(38400); //set baud rate for the hardware serial port_0 to 38400
Serial3.begin(38400); //set baud rate for software serial port_3 to 38400
inputstring.reserve(5); //set aside some bytes for receiving data from the PC
sensorstring.reserve(30); //set aside some bytes for receiving data from Atlas Scientific product
void serialEvent() { //if the hardware serial port_0 receives a char
char inchar = (char)Serial.read(); //get the char we just received
inputstring += inchar; //add it to the inputString
if(inchar == '\r') {input_stringcomplete = true;} //if the incoming character is a <CR>, set the flag
void serialEvent3(){ //if the hardware serial port_3 receives a char
char inchar = (char)Serial3.read(); //get the char we just received
sensorstring += inchar; //add it to the inputString
if(inchar == '\r') {sensor_stringcomplete = true;} //if the incoming character is a <CR>, set the flag
void loop(){ //here we go....
if (input_stringcomplete){ //if a string from the PC has been recived in its entierty
Serial3.print(inputstring); //send that string to the Atlas Scientific product
inputstring = ""; //clear the string:
input_stringcomplete = false; //reset the flage used to tell if we have recived a completed string from the PC
if (sensor_stringcomplete){ //if a string from the Atlas Scientific product has been recived in its entierty
Serial.println(sensorstring); //send that string to to the PC's serial monitor
sensorstring = ""; //clear the string:
sensor_stringcomplete = false; //reset the flage used to tell if we have recived a completed string from the Atlas Scientific product
In order to get continuous reading from ph stamp it is necessary to send C command using Serial Monitor.
OK, fine. But every time if I off and then on the board I have to send command again to get ph reading. For me this is problem as I plan to use stamp in portable ph controller. Is there any way to trigger continuous mode when arduino is not connected to computer, without using Serial Monitor?
Thank you.
Arduino-sample-code-EZ-COM-MEGA-2_copy.pdf (371 KB)
pH_Circuit_3.0_copy.pdf (836 KB)