I have an AVR ISP MKII,I have connected it on ICSP connector given on LCD Keypad Shield.The Shield is overlapped onto arduino mega 2560 board.I am not able to detect the micro controller in current hardware setup.But If I connect the same avr isp mkii programmer directly onto the arduino mega 2560 ICSP connect.The controller is getting detected. I am looking for possible reasons and issues for this or how can it be solved?
The LCD Keypad shields that I know don't have an ICSP header (the 6-pin header; please post a link to the board that you have). You are aware that the ICSP pins on the mega are not on pins 11/12/13? If not, check the schematic of the Mega.
I've moved your topic to a category that is more suitable for board detection problems.
Below is a link to pdf to the shield which I am using.
Does that shield make any connections to the central 6 pin ICSP header in the middle of the Mega board or to pins 50,51,52,53 of the Mega board ?
This is probably the schematic: https://image.dfrobot.com/image/data/DFR0009/DFR0009SCH01.pdf
In which case that ICSP header connects to pins 11/12/13 which are the SPI pins for an Uno but not for a Mega. Please consult the schematic of the Mega to find the correct pins.