Atmega 328 and 12mgh xtal

I'm searching around the house for a 16 MHz xtal but I only find 12 MHz, 22 MHz and 24 MHz. So being feed up of searching, and to lazy today to go out cause it's raining, I'm wondering if the ATMéga328 would run at 12 MHz or does it really need a 16 MHz clock signal to run the Arduino system?

Can Arduino run at a slower pace the 16 MHz?

I'm searching around the house for a 16 MHz xtal but I only find 12 MHz, 22 MHz and 24 MHz. So being feed up of searching, and to lazy today to go out cause it's raining, I'm wondering if the ATMéga328 would run at 12 MHz or does it really need a 16 MHz clock signal to run the Arduino system?

It really needs it as most arduino bootloaders are complied for a specific baudrate Vs a specific clock frequency, 16mhz for most boards.
Can Arduino run at a slower pace the 16 MHz?

Humm that to bad :frowning:

I was pretty sure that the fact that (5^6 * 3 * 2^8) MHz would make a difference from (5^6 * 2^10) MHz, but I had to ask

Thank you.