I am using Atmega 328pb with 8 mhz crystal and a vcc of 3.3 volts. In fuse bit setting, brownout voltage was disabled and the fuse bit which I set for m328pb is Low_Fuse:0xFD; High_Fuse:0xDA;Extended_Fuse:0xFF.
But, I am still getting a restart in each 2 sec in spite of disabling any brownout and, any suggestions with which I can make the mcu stable??
Do you have a pull-up resistor on the reset pin to keep it from resetting? Do you have decoupling caps on reset and VCC? Have you followed the recommendations is AVR040 and AVR042?
There is a problem with the hardware - you should post a schematic so that we can determine if this is the cause. Maybe you forgot the decoupling caps, so it's resetting when it tries to do something? Maybe your powersupply is insufficient? Could be lots of things.
The code you uploaded has a bug that is causing the part to crash and reset - this is commonly the result if you write off the end of an array, for example. Testing with something simple like blink, or something that just prints a test message to serial (including millis() value so you can be sure it's not resetting every few seconds, would be a good idea. You should post the code you are using so that we can rule this out.
But as it stands, you've provided none of the information that we could use to help you.