Hello everyone

I am using an ATMEGA 1284P and would like to use these pins on an Arduino Portenta H7.

Could you tell me which are the corresponding pins of the ATMEGA 1284P on the Arduino Portenta H7?

Hi @carlo78. It's not clear to me what you're trying to accomplish. Would you mind providing a detailed explanation?

As for a general answer, you can use the Portenta H7's pins just like the pins on any other Arduino board. Just put the Arduino pin number of the pin in a function that calls for one and you're off to the races.

You can see the Arduino pin number mappings on the diagram on the "Documentation" tab of this page:

(it uses the same mapping as the Arduino MKR boards)
If you click the "Download the full pinout diagram as PDF here." link, you'll get a PDF with a super detailed version of the diagram that shows all the amazing capabilities of the Portenta H7.

Thank you.

Can you say me if there is other documentation like a carrier board?

Sure, here you go:

Thank you very much.

You're welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance. Enjoy!

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