atmega168 8Mhz internal

Help, it's almost Christmas and I'm still fooling around trying to get the boot-loader in place and working on a brand new atmega168v-10pu.
I can get this boot-loader burned(via a Nano as an ISP)) to the chip(ATmegaBOOT_168_pro_8MHz.hex) and it verifies A OK!
I can then burn my sketch to it and it also verifies A OK.

So what's the problem you ask? I can NOT upload any sketch after the first upload without re-burning the boot-loader unless it is the EXACT same sketch. If I make one change, even just commenting out a line of code it no longer verifies and refuses to run at that point.

Even after the initial burn of boot-loader and sketch it works great until I do a reset then nothing!

I have 4 of the atmega168 chips with NO boot-loader on them.

These were supposed to be presents to all of my children for Christmas, please I need help. I know it's probably to late but I like to figure things out myself but this has me pulling my hair out.

The boards.txt file I'm using is attached.

The original boards.txt file was using this boot-loader (ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328_pro_8MHz.hex) which refused to even load with address errors on line 1. I researched these errors for days with no success.

I'm running out of time, I already have the circuit boards on hand through my own design that fits into a custom case I've done in my wood shop. The project is a simple temp logging with remotes and a 16x2 LCD for displaying the current info and an SD card for logging.

And yes I am a noob to the AVR world as stated in my other post which was of great help furthering this project to completion.

boards.txt (900 Bytes)

So what's the problem you ask? I can NOT upload any sketch after the first upload without re-burning the boot-loader unless it is the EXACT same sketch. If I make one change, even just commenting out a line of code it no longer verifies and refuses to run at that point.

I wonder if it is an auto-reset problem:

When you burn a fresh bootloader it has nothing better to do than wait for an upload. Once it has uploaded a sketch it only spends a short time after Reset looking for a new upload before it passes control to the last sketch that was uploaded.
If your USB-to-Serial adapter has an RX light, just hold down the Reset button and start the upload. When the RX light blinks, release the Reset button. That will turn control over to the bootloader which will then catch the second or third try.
If you don't have a light to tell you when the PC is sending, try holding down Reset until you see the message:

Sketch uses ____________
Global variables use _________