ATMEGA168 without an external crystal!?

As far a I understand from the datasheet the ATMEGA168 start with an internal 8Mhz clock devided by 8 -> 1 Mhz .
Did any one try running it without an external oscillator?
I can't load any prog into mine when newly arrived without an external crystal. :-[

The internal oscillator is only 1MHz. As the software thinks it is running at 16MHz then all the division ratios are wrong to get the right baud rate to enable you to download.

Thanks for clarifing it but when one received a new (unprogrammed) device - isn't there a deafult 9600 8N1 burnirng capability to load the first firmware ?
As I see from the data-sheet the vendor (ATMEL) provided the device configured to internal clock (8M : 8 = 1 Mhz) - what should Iconfigure my UART to to work with this clock ?
I just ordered a 12Mhz and two caps to try on the new device but I havn't seen anyone operating it without an external crystal (as should be posible)

Thanks for clarifing it but when one received a new (unprogrammed) device - isn't there a deafult 9600 8N1 burnirng capability to load the first firmware ?
As I see from the data-sheet the vendor (ATMEL) provided the device configured to internal clock (8M : 8 = 1 Mhz) - what should Iconfigure my UART to to work with this clock ?
I just ordered a 12Mhz and two caps to try on the new device but I havn't seen anyone operating it without an external crystal (as should be posible)

isn't there a deafult 9600 8N1 burnirng capability to load the first firmware

Basically no.

By a new un programmed device I assume you mean one without the boot loader. These is no facility to load a program into it using the normal serial port, you have to use programming modes. You need extra hardware to do this like the AVR- writer, or a parallel bit banger.