ATMega2560 + LCD/SD Shield + RFID-RC522 how to Connect RC522 to Shield ?

Hi all,
yes i am a noob here and i want to say hello. I fighting with a Connection from RC522 to the LCD shield:
i could connect my RFID-RC522 to my Mega2560 and it works i could Read data from Chip.
I also could connect the LCD Shield with a 5" Display to the Board and it works, i could print some text on the screen.
But the Target is to connect both at the same Time and there i have the Probleme with the blocked Pins on the 2560 Board.
for the RFID i need the MOSI,MISO, SCK & SS but this are blocked by the LCD Shield so i would hope i can use the Row on the Shield but there i only found the MOSI and MISO Pin in the Layout but i need also the SDA and the SCK Port to connect the RFID.

it would by nice if someone can give me a hint to solve this problem.
thanks a Lot!

What is your LCD Module? May be it can run on i2c?

no i did not support I2c.
So if i am not wrong it is not possible to connect both ?
best regards Jonny

Its still possible but there are no external headers on your LCD module, Its going to be painful to connect RC522 module same time with LCD Module you can make your own shield for RC522, and connect LCD shield top of that.

"When a device's Slave Select pin is low, it communicates with the master. When it's high, it ignores the master. This allows you to have multiple SPI devices sharing the same MISO, MOSI, and CLK lines." > from SPI reference

For RC522 Module simply define another SS and RST pin. MFRC522 Library allows you to do that.