I'm not sure if I have destroyed my ATMEGA328, but I'm getting theese errors every time I try to program it
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0002
0x61 != 0xe7
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
I don't get any errors if I change the ATMEGA328 with a ATMEGA168.
The errors started to occour after I fried a DS18S20 at a mistake...
I had wired the VCC and GND wrong, so the VCC was connected to GND, and GND was connected to +5V
Have I destroyed my ATMEGA328, or is it a bootloader error which I can fix?
I don't have an ATMEGA programmer, I only have the Arduino Duemillanove with it's original ATMEGA168, and then the broken ATMEGA328...