Atmega328p and cr2032 and DS18b20

I have a very low current circuit with a barebone atmega328 running at 4Mhz.

Its powered by a cr2032 , it sleeps most of the time 4uA and consuming 250uA from my lcd.

I would like to add a DS18B20 that consumes 1.5mA for a short time and sleep again.

The problem is the DS18b20 mini voltage is 3V i dont know if it goes lower.

What can be my options to still use a cr2032 ( i like it to be a small footprint)

lowpower Boost or step-up circuit ? or would the cr2032 still work at 2.7 or 2.8v?

Maybe with Dickson charge pump.

Thanks , good tip

I've done some experiments with a cr2032 at 2.8v the DS18B20 still seems to work reliable.

@barshatriplee , why do you think that the OP needs a 5V supply? They are using a barebones 328P which can run quite happily at lower voltages (and lower clock speeds).

Sorry this is bad advice , did you actually read and understand the topic post?

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