Does anyone sell ATmega328p-AU chips with the bootloader already onboard that I can get in Australia.
I did find some on ebay but they would not ship to Australia.
I would prefer the device to register as a Mini Pro but in the end I just want it to work.
I have ATmega328PU-PH (as branded in the TQFP32 package) and have no end of problems trying to burn the bootloader. I haven't been able to find out what the difference, if any, there is between that and the AU version.
Have you tried Jaycar or WES? In NZ I can buy bootloaded 328's from Jaycar although I don't because I get 10 from Aliexpress for the price and burn the bootloader myself.
I have found a great manufacturer of custom boards and seller.
He also makes the product you request.
If your ATmega328PU-PH looks like the picture below, then that is the same as the pre-merger AU chip. The PH would just be the fab location - Philippines vs Thailand in the pictured chip. What are you using to burn the bootloader? What problems are you having?