Twice the FLASH memory and only $3.70 at Mouser. People have already tested boot-loaders for this new device. I would imagine that all Arduino boards will be shipping with this chip soon since it looks like it will add no more than $0.34 to the board cost of those buying them in Qty. 100.
The 28 pin PDIP that all us Arduino hackers will want to plug into our old boards will be marked ATMEGA328P-PU. Digi-Key lists them as "no stock" and Mouser lists them as "on order" at the moment, its a rather new chip but they should be easy to come by very soon. Boot-loader testing that I mentioned was done by a few lucky folk who received factory samples.
Atmel decided that only a 20MHz version of this chip will be made, no 10MHz version is planned, that's why they dropped the speed rating from the part number "-PU" and not "-20PU"
It's been talked about before, and I believe Lady Ada already has samples and has worked on a bootloader.
However, the latest rumor is that they won't be available to the general public until the end of the year (previous rumor was "end of august"; it didn't happen. Atmel has a bad habit of taking their time to actually get new products shipping...)
I'm liking my sanguino with the ATMEGA644P. 4x the flash, 4x the ram, 2x the EEPROM. don't know how the cost compares, but my kit was $25 not including the FTDI cable.
Atmel has a bad habit of taking their time to actually get new products shipping...
I wouldn't call it a bad habbit. I'd rather have them wait until a product is ready rather than push a buggy chip into production just to make a marketing deadline.
Allow me to rephrase, then. Atmel has a bad habit of announcing new products long before they are far enough along their production curve to have a good idea when the product will actually be ready. "Marketing deadlines" are part of Atmel too...
Atmel has a bad habit of announcing new products long before they are far enough along their production curve to have a good idea when the product will actually be ready. "Marketing deadlines" are part of Atmel too...
I agree with you there, but it affects a lot more of the industry than just Atmel. Companies announce a product as early as possible, and the customers have a tendancy to keep waiting rather than going with something almost as good that's already on the market from another company.
While's it's not a good thing, why should Atmel give up potential sales by holding on an announcment when their competitors would announce as early as possible.
I think you have to blame the customers and all the companies for creating the situation.
I ordered these $(*!q@)ing chips 4 months ago, and they've arrived!
I spent the weekend porting & testing the bootloader. So far so good, chips are in the shop and bootloader code on my site.
Unfortunately I havent finished fixing v12 so only v11 windows (thanks spiff!) is available right now
also please note that the fuses have CHANGED for this chip (see the bootloader page for minor corrections to spiff's port)
Are you still making changes to the avr-libc files (iom328p.h) to get things working with the 328? It would be great if you could get it working without doing that, so I could incorporate the changes into the Arduino distribution. Otherwise, it will probably be a while before I have time to do it myself.
it seems like that is the one thing left to do, only problem is im not sure what changes were made to iom328p. everything else is fine except for a strange bug in the TWI interrupt handler..
spiffed: please note that i made some corrections to the bootloader instructions...make sure the fuses and text is fixed because otherwise it will 'appear' to work at first but cause some serious problems later when a large program overwrites the bootloader
Is it possible to replace the 16 MHz crystal oscillator to a 20MHz for the Diecimila without any changes to the two caps? This ATmega328P will be pretty cool.
Can we upgrade to a 20MHz oscillator crystal or 20MHz resonator and run the ATmegaXXX-20 chips at the spec'ed 20MHz and modify the bootloader and libraries accordingly to compensate ( so the timing is correct )?