Atmega32u4, usb and isp-icsp connection

Hi, can anyone help me? I am trying to do a basic pcb with a atmega32u4. I need usb conection, and isp-icsp conection to program the board. I do this schema. Do you think this okey? Maybe a problem with the reset? I need something more? Soon i will build a first prototype to learn. Thanks for you`re help.

Reset must be pulled high. Take a look at the schematics of the Arduino Micro. It's more or less a minimal circuit for the ATmega32U4. You may eliminate the LEDs if you don't need them.

Thank you so much!! I'm a newbie, and I'm a bit unsure with this. I really appreciate the help.

Not sure which header you're planning to use for the ICSP. I would make the pinout on the header compatible with Arduino (it does not seem to be but I might see that wrong) so you can use a standard flatcable between your programmer and your board.

Hi! Thanks for the help. I want to program the atmega32u4 using an arduino uno. The idea is to use the pins in the j2 connection. The vcc, reset, gnd, miso ,mosi and sck pines. It could work?

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