Atmega4808 Interrupt

Hey Guys.

I'm using MegaCoreX with the Arduino IDE on a Atmega4808 (28 Pin version)

Link: MegaCoreX

It says there that

Unlike older AVRs the megaAVR-0 microcontrollers have fully featured interrupts on every pin

but I'm a little sceptical, can I really use each pin for interrupt?


Did you try?

thats the problem I can't try because I got no devboard or the controller itself by me at the moment

I'm a little sceptical, can I really use each pin for interrupt?

Yes, but they're more like pin change interrupts, performance-wise.
You get all of the rising/falling/etc options of "real" interrupt pins (per bit) on the m328/etc, but you only get one actual interrupt per port, and have to decode which bit caused the interrupt (but there is a register that helps with this.)
Presumably it's all supported by the attachInterrupt() function, but slower than defining a separate ISR for the two "real" pin interrupts you get on a m328.

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